Who We Are

Hey everyone, what's up?

I'm a 28 year old entrepreneur who pretty much struggled with mental health problems for many years. When I was young, I didn't know how to cope with emotions, how to cope with anything in life. I had to learn the hard way through my own experience and many mistakes. However, I'm looking back and I can proudly say that because of these experiences, I am where I am today. There was a day when I was just tired of living the way I did, always stressing about money, always running everywhere, trying to catch up to my thoughts and ideas. I decied to attend a therapy. It was honetly the best thing I could do for myself. Plus I kina was always interested in psychology (besides business). So I spent years learning, researching, not only about mental health but also about things like meditations, breathwork etc. 

Now, the day comes when I would love to share my knowledge with you through ebooks, audiobooks, maybe podcasts in the future. I can assure you I will work my best to give you the best content you can get. I invite you to join me in the journey of the better tomorrow and let's see how far we'll come. Let's go!